One and a half hours north of Quito, Hacienda Pinsaqui is ideally located at the flanks of the Imbabura Volcano and in the heart of Ecuador lake province. It is just a stone’s throw away from the world famous Otavalo handicraft market, Cotocachi leather town, and the small town San Antonio renowned for their wood handicrafts. The hacienda with it’s three centuries of history is an experience in itself and is by far the right hotel choice in Otavalo.
In 1790 the hacienda worked as a colonial textile enterprise with thousands of weavers exporting their fabrics to the United States. Today, this Otavalo Hotel still retains the authenticity from its earlier incarnation and is a unique travel experience.
Illustrious historic figures have been hosted through the ages at the hacienda including the revered liberator of Ecuador, General Simon Bolívar. In the late nineteenth century the historic peace agreement between Colombia and Ecuador, the “Treaty of Pinsaqui”, was signed in the manor house.