Reef fish, sea lions, sting rays, golden rays, eagle rays, invertebrates, morays, garden eels, turtles, marine iguanas, white tip reef sharks, hammerheads, whale sharks, whales, pelagic fish — all this adds up to just one thing — Galapagos Islands Scuba Diving.
This amazing archipelago has been rated as one of the best diving spots in the world year after year. There are few places left in the world where an entire archipelego is virtually free of commercial fishing, leaving the waters left to those who want to swim and watch the action unfold in the deep, clean waters of the Pacific.
The Galapagos Islands is a number one diving destination and if you share your passion for diving as we do you will consider this trip as one on the top of your diving sites. Explore the underwater of the Galapagos in a private charter and bring your family and friends with you.
Exclusive Ecuador is a well organized company which is proud to have in its staff experienced well traveled agents and knowledgeable and charismatic Tour Guides. All of them working in a friendly and efficient atmosphere.
Checoslovaquia E9-95 St., Eveliza Plaza building. Quito-Ecuador
USA & CAN: 1-866-454-9060
UK: +44-2033-724723
Ecuador: +593-2-333-3718